Topic: Dentistry
Air Date: 2-5-08
Older Generation – Dr. Lynde Bollen Sr. - retired from Jacksonville, Ar 84 years old
began practice in 1959
Middle Generation – Dr. Lynde Bollen Jr. - retired and now Assoc. Prof. Dentistry at UAMS
Younger Generation – Dr. Jordan Cooper – 26 graduate of dental school 2006 – began Central Arkansas Dental Associates in Jacksonville
Phil's thoughts:
As a 58 year old Boomer, I can remember my first trip to the dentist (or at least I think he was a dentist) back when I was in the 1st grade. His office was above the dime store and was small and dark with no attendant and certainly no sharp drill. He pulled one tooth with no shot and all I remember is after he finished my mother stopped in at the dime store below for something while I was out at the curb bleeding into the gutter. Sounds like fun, huh? Well, if you think that story is unique you should tune into the podcast at and click on Podcasts.
My older generation guest, who goes back to the Depression era, tells of just how archaic dentistry was then compared to now. His son, who practiced for his entire career with his dad has memories similar to mine. Our young guest, Dr. Jordan Cooper, and members of the younger generation, have absolutely no connection to the pain associated with dentistry in those earlier years.
We didn't just tell horror stories during the program. Dentistry is now a very high tech operation and even those older folks whose memories are warlike, now find the trip to the dentist to be without pain and very satisfying. One of the often repeated statements they use to hear that spoke of the older days when people didn't care for their teeth was, 'Well they're just teeth!”. Now, everyone knows that they very well be 'just teeth', but they are the only ones we ever get, so we better take care of them.
So...brush your teeth often, and as far as my guests are concerned, one of the best bits of advice they gave was to FLOSS!
Check the podcast, I think you will enjoy it.
Air Date: 2-5-08
Older Generation – Dr. Lynde Bollen Sr. - retired from Jacksonville, Ar 84 years old
began practice in 1959
Middle Generation – Dr. Lynde Bollen Jr. - retired and now Assoc. Prof. Dentistry at UAMS
Younger Generation – Dr. Jordan Cooper – 26 graduate of dental school 2006 – began Central Arkansas Dental Associates in Jacksonville
Phil's thoughts:
As a 58 year old Boomer, I can remember my first trip to the dentist (or at least I think he was a dentist) back when I was in the 1st grade. His office was above the dime store and was small and dark with no attendant and certainly no sharp drill. He pulled one tooth with no shot and all I remember is after he finished my mother stopped in at the dime store below for something while I was out at the curb bleeding into the gutter. Sounds like fun, huh? Well, if you think that story is unique you should tune into the podcast at and click on Podcasts.
My older generation guest, who goes back to the Depression era, tells of just how archaic dentistry was then compared to now. His son, who practiced for his entire career with his dad has memories similar to mine. Our young guest, Dr. Jordan Cooper, and members of the younger generation, have absolutely no connection to the pain associated with dentistry in those earlier years.
We didn't just tell horror stories during the program. Dentistry is now a very high tech operation and even those older folks whose memories are warlike, now find the trip to the dentist to be without pain and very satisfying. One of the often repeated statements they use to hear that spoke of the older days when people didn't care for their teeth was, 'Well they're just teeth!”. Now, everyone knows that they very well be 'just teeth', but they are the only ones we ever get, so we better take care of them.
So...brush your teeth often, and as far as my guests are concerned, one of the best bits of advice they gave was to FLOSS!
Check the podcast, I think you will enjoy it.