Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Blog site to accompany KUAR Public Radio program, the only program on radio today where the generations get together the first and third Tuesdays each month to compare and contrast their perspectives on a wide variety of topics.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Topic – Gambling

Date Aired – 8-15-06

Guests –

Older Generation: Orval Allbritton
Middle Generation: Jeff Tucker
Younger Generation: Daniel Kelsey

Comments from Phil –
Our discussion stayed away from the right or wrong aspects of gambling. There are plenty of talk shows that seem to want to dwell on only the moral issues of topics like this. Let them waste their time doing it if they want to. Since the dawn of mankind on this earth we have always found a way to play games of chance. We always will.
Orval Allbritton has a very unique perspective on the gambling days gone by. His father was a fireman in Hot Springs during the hey day of gambling back in the 1920’s and 30’s. He recalled the open gambling followed by attempts to crack down and how this went back and forth till the 50’s.
Jeff Tucker’s experience is more contemporary and has nothing to do with the mob related days. In fact, his is more of a business approach coupled with the entertainment aspects that everyone seems to desire.
Daniel Kelsey is typical of the younger generation members who see gambling solely as an entertainment and sports activity. While they are fully aware of the dangers and habits of chronic gambling, they are not burdened by the guilt associated with Orval’s time. In fact, they are much more inclined to gamble as a couple or even family fun time.

Personally, I would be the person an avid gamble would like to play against, since I know nothing about the games. My best efforts are restricted to the nickel slots in Tunica. Although I did do pretty good one time in New Orleans on the quarter slots. As with so many things in life, moderation and self control are the best ways to enjoy gambling. As Orval recalled, many times as a young boy he would see the very same people gambling in the establishments in Hot Springs all week, who were in the pews on Sunday railing against the vice of gambling. Some things never change.